Most recent edit on 2010-01-29 19:18:32 by DanielLadnar
Would you like to learn my language? is part of We live here now.
Edited on 2010-01-27 10:28:22 by DanielLadnar
Would you like to learn my language? is part of We live here now.
Would you like to learn my language? is part of We live here now.
Edited on 2010-01-27 10:27:57 by DanielLadnar
Would you like to learn my language? is part of We live here now.
Would you like to learn my language? is part of We live here now.
Edited on 2010-01-27 10:27:18 by DanielLadnar
Would you like to learn my language? is part of We live here now.
Would you like to learn my language?
Edited on 2010-01-27 10:25:33 by DanielLadnar
Edited on 2010-01-27 10:23:42 by DanielLadnar
Would you like to learn my language?
A model for an encounter in more than one language.
Unit 1: My name
Talk about your names.
In each other's language, teach each other to tell your name.
Unit 2: My home
Talk about your homes.
In each other's language, teach each other to say where you are from.
Unit 3: My languages
Talk about your languages.
In each other's language, teach each other to say what languages you speak.
Unit 4: Our song
Find a song that exists in both your languages. Learn it together.
Unit 5: You
Choose one of the above units and teach it to somebody else.
Would you like to learn my language?
A model for an encounter in more than one language.
Unit 1: My name
Talk about your names.
In each other's language, teach each other to tell your name.
Unit 2: My home
Talk about your homes.
In each other's language, teach each other to say where you are from.
Unit 3: My languages
Talk about your languages.
In each other's language, teach each other to say what languages you speak.
Unit 4: Our song
Find a song that exists in both your languages. Learn it together.
Unit 5: You
Choose one of the above units and teach it to somebody else.
Edited on 2010-01-27 10:22:32 by DanielLadnar
Would you like to learn my language?
A model for an encounter in more than one language.
Unit 1: My name
Talk about your names.
In each other's language, teach each other to tell your name.
Unit 2: My home
Talk about your homes.
In each other's language, teach each other to say where you are from.
Unit 3: My languages
Talk about your languages.
In each other's language, teach each other to say what languages you speak.
Unit 4: Our song
Find a song that exists in both your languages. Learn it together.
Unit 5: You
Choose one of the above units and teach it to somebody else.
Edited on 2010-01-24 13:55:26 by DanielLadnar
Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2010-01-24 13:54:08 by DanielLadnar []
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