Sunny Beach Project
The lecture performance investigates the aspect of documentation in the performance
Sunny Beach Project (Ladnar/Pilkington/Wimberley 2005; Ladnar/Pilkington 2006). A performance largely based on the visual documentation of a journey to Sunny Beach, a sea-side resort at the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, in February 2005. The lecture performance as an attempt to create a piece of documentation without using the visual documentation used in the performance itself. An act of documentation and the documentation of this act on real-time video. Will my hands be shaking?
Sunny Beach Project was presented as part of
Performing Science∞ at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen on October 26th 2007, at
PSi # 14∞ in Copenhagen on August 21st 2008 and as part of "Zerlegt und Verspielt" at
Festival der Regionen∞ in Linz on 24th May 2009.
Here you can access the video documentation recorded during the lecture performances. (
Please note that in Gießen the lecture performance was interrupted after about 2 minutes. The camera kept recording, though, and we kept the recording as it was.)
As another attempt to document the journey, a small selection of photographs taken by Daniel Ladnar as part of
Sunny Beach Project is included here.
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